Punching Shear, Shear Studs, Seismic Loading, Interior Slab-Column Connections, Gravity Shear Ratio, Displacement ControlAbstract
Reinforced concrete flat slab-column structures are widely used because of their practicality. However, this type of structures can be subjected to punching-shear failure within the slab-column connections. Without shear reinforcement, the slab-column connection can undergo brittle punching failure, especially when the structure is subjected to lateral loading in seismic zones. The shear studs are an efficient good type of transverse reinforcement against punching failure. This research focuses on improving the punching shear capacity and ductility of the interior slab-column connections under constant vertical load in addition to cyclic loading using shear studs. The first specimen FP-GR-CTRL was tested subjected to vertical load only without cyclic loading while the other specimens FP-VR-0.4, FP-VR-0.6, FP-VR-0.8, FP-SS-0.4, FP-SS-0.6 and FP-SS-0.8 were tested under constant vertical load in addition to a reversed cyclic loading increased up to punching shear failure. The main objective is to discuss the effect of the shear studs on the punching shear behaviour. Finally, the experimental results are analyzed and compared to international codes such as American Code ACI318-14 and Euro Code EC2-2004. In light of these results, some preliminary conclusions are presented.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Amr Abdelkhalik , Raid Elrashidi (Author)

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