Organizational Capability Readiness, Digital Transformation, Digital EconomyAbstract
This research aims to find organizational capability readiness required for private sector for digital transformation towards enabling sustainable digital economy development in Thailand and relationship among these three key components. The research was conducted in both qualitative and quantitative methods by using structural equation modeling (SEM) methodology and analysis with 328 samples from representatives in the organizations in targeted business segments in private sector. From the study, it founds out that 1. Organizational capability readiness consisting of people, process and technology directly impacts on digital transformation (FL) = 0.69), 2. Digital transformation directly impacts on sustainable digital economy (FL = 0.67), 3. Organizational capability readiness has least impact on sustainable digital economy (FL = 0.14), 4. Process capability readiness plays major roles in organizational capability readiness (FL = 0.94), 5. Ethics which is the newly proposed pillar in this research, besides the current existing ones which are economy, society and environment, also has impact to sustainable digital economy (FL = 0.86) and 6. Operation process is the mostly important factor on digital transformation (FL = 0.91). The innovative outcomes of this research could be very useful to private sector, government and also public sector policy makers on building up the right key organizational capability readiness competencies related to the needs of business organizations to achieve successful digital transformation while accomplishing security for cyber domain of the organizations as this could bring the organizations towards sustainable digital economy at the end. Most importantly, the organizations could not alone and directly drives the sustainable digital economy development but the systematic digital transformation through the right organizational capability readiness competencies is certainly needed.
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