Chemical Bath Deposition, Morphological Properties, Optical Properties, Polyvinyl AlcoholAbstract
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) capped tin monosulphide (SnS) nanocrystalline films have been grown successfully on glass substrates using a simple and low-cost wet chemical process, chemical bath deposition (CBD) at four different PVA concentrations that vary from 0.5 wt % to 2 wt %. XRD study indicated peaks related to SnS phase with (040) as preferred orientation. Various parameters such as average crystallite size, dislocation density lattice strain, and stacking faults were also estimated using XRD spectra. Raman analysis also confirmed the XRD results. The SEM and AFM micrographs exhibited a good morphology for the films deposited at 2 wt % concentration of PVA. FTIR studies revealed the presence of PVA in the films. The optical investigations confirmed the high absorbing nature for the experimental films and also, a blue shift in band gap values with PVA concentration was observed. The estimated band gap values vary from 1.73 eV to 1.55 eV, which might be due to quantum confinement effect. Hall measurement studies showed p-type conductivity for all the grown layers. Also, the variation of electrical resistivity, carrier concentration and mobility were studied with PVA concentration and the results are discussed
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Copyright (c) 2023 P. Mallika Bramaramba Devi, K.T. Ramakrishna Reddy (Author)

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