EdgeAI, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR)Abstract
The fusion of Edge AI with Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR) presents a dynamic landscape filled with promising opportunities and intricate challenges. This partnership between Edge AI and AR/VR technologies reveals a horizon were achieving real-time performance, minimizing latency, and enhancing user immersion becomes attainable. This article explores the diverse possibilities that emerge when seamlessly integrating Edge AI into AR/VR systems. It emphasizes the potential of processing data locally to enable unprecedented levels of interactivity and responsiveness. Additionally, empowering AR/VR devices to make rapid on-the-edge decisions has the potential to revolutionize user experiences in various domains. The paper delves into various techniques for optimizing Edge AI to run efficiently on the resource-constrained hardware found in AR/VR systems. By addressing these challenges thoughtfully, stakeholders can unlock the transformative potential of this synergy, ensuring that the integration of Edge AI and AR/VR enhances human experiences in a responsible and innovative manner.
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Dwith Chenna, Edge AI: Quantization as The Key to on-DeviceSmartness, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIAP),1(1), 2023, pp. 58-69.
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