
  • Samuel Johnson Author


Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), ECommerce, Security Automation, Cyber Threats, Fraud, Detection, Anomaly Detection, User Behavior Analytics (UBA), Biometric Authentication, Phishing, Distributed, Denial Of Service (DDoS), Threat Intelligence, Adversarial Attacks


As eCommerce grows faster, increased insecurity has brought about the need for safeguarding measures since traditional methods cannot address modern-day technological cybersecurity attacks. This paper discusses the use of the Machine Learning Approach and Artificial Intelligence to address the challenges of security automation in e-commerce platforms. Incorporating these technologies can enhance threat identification, avoid fraud, and provide more efficient user identification methods in eCommerce businesses. Essential ML means that systems can go over large volumes of data to recognize patterns of malicious activity. At the same time, AI is self-acting regarding security threats, minimizing the time it takes for people’s involvement. The application of ML and AI spans several vital areas, including anomaly detection, fraud detection, and user behavior analytics, which in turn increases security automation and real-time threat mitigation. There are still some limitations, such as the requirement for vast sets of high-quality data for model training, the explainability of AI systems, and the susceptibility of the AI models to adversarial attacks. However, it is crucial to understand that the problems outlined above are still limitations of AI and ML implementations in eCommerce security automation, and the advantages are in terms of scalability, speed, and efficiency when it comes to threat detection. In recent years, advanced AI technology like Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), Federated Learning (FL), and Explainable AI (XAI) present new dimensions in e-commerce security in the future. These technologies are becoming more complex; hence, adopting AI and ML will be critical in security frameworks to protect customers’ trust and future business sustainability.


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