A356 Alloy, Mechanical Properties, Nano Composites, ZrO, Stir CastingAbstract
This paper explores the potential of incorporating nano Zirconia (ZrO₂) particles in A356 alloy to improve its mechanical characteristics for structural applications. The study reveals that the addition of nano ZrO₂ significantly enhances the material's hardness, ultimate tensile strength, and impact resistance. The uniform distribution of nano ZrO₂ particles within the alloy matrix promotes effective load transmission, reinforcing the material through various strengthening processes. However, this improvement comes at the cost of reduced ductility due to the presence of numerous interfaces and particle boundaries hindering dislocation mobility. Nevertheless, the nano ZrO₂ particles offer promising advantages, especially in aerospace, automotive, and electronic sectors, where improved mechanical properties are of utmost importance.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Girish.K.B, Rohith T, Manjunath.S.H, Narendra.B.K (Author)

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