Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites, Al7075, Titanium Nano Powder, Niobium Carbide Nano PowderAbstract
In this developing world, the products made in all the fields of engineering, are designed, with the basic requirement of achieving the highest efficiencies. If the field of material is considered, it needs high strength, hardness, toughness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and so on. All these properties can be obtained in the composite materials, and so the composite materials are extensively used for our requirements such as, home needs, transportation, games, marine, military etc. replacing the traditional materials. Among all the applications of the composite materials, aluminium is the largest used base metal due to its light weight. To enhance the strength of composites, reinforcing materials such as, silicon, titanium magnesium etc. are used. These are the primary requirements, particularly for the various components of air, land and sea transportation vehicles. In this paper Al7075 is used as the base metal and Titanium nano particles and Niobium Carbide nano particles are used as reinforcing materials for increasing all the material properties. This paper also depicts the advantages of stir casting method of manufacturing of composites
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