
  • Anusha Reddy Narapureddy Apple INC, USA. Author
  • Sundeep Goud Katta IEEE Senior Member, USA. Author


Distributed Systems, Telemetry Data, Neural Embeddings, LLMs, Observability, Anomaly Detection, Pattern Recognition, Adaptive Learning,


Modern distributed systems, encompassing microservices and cloud-native architectures, generate vast amounts of high-dimensional telemetry data. Traditional observability tools, while effective for basic monitoring, often fall short in interpreting the complex, multi-modal data these systems produce. This paper introduces a novel observability paradigm that leverages neural embeddings and large language models (LLMs) to analyze telemetry data more effectively. By transforming logs, metrics, and traces into unified neural embedding spaces and employing LLMs for contextual reasoning, the proposed framework enhances anomaly detection, pattern recognition, and root-cause analysis. This integrated approach utilizes domain adaptation, self-supervised learning, and prompt engineering, paving the way for scalable and intelligent observability solutions capable of addressing the intricacies of modern high-dimensional telemetry data. Additionally, the framework incorporates dynamic feedback loops and adaptive learning mechanisms to ensure continuous improvement and resilience in evolving system environments. Preliminary evaluations demonstrate significant improvements in detection accuracy and operational efficiency, underscoring the potential of this methodology to revolutionize observability practices.


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