
  • Pedro A. Cárdenas Bejarano Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia. Author
  • Juan P. Rodríguez Miranda 2 Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia. Author
  • Jhon J. Feria Díaz Faculty of Engineering, University of Sucre, Colombia. Author


Wastewater, Utilization, Sanitation, Agricultural


Water is a natural resource that satisfies global needs to produce goods and services at different scales, generating discharges that cause damage to ecosystems and neighboring populations, however, wastewater has an added value when reused in agricultural processes under international and national standards of sanitation. A bibliographic review was made on the main affectations, use of the residual resource and cases applied in an international context. There is evidence of an affectation in different bodies of water, being a worldwide trend; however, the use of residual water resources develops in different crops presenting a higher rate of productivity and resistance to water stress. The use must be made under specific conditions to avoid possible damage to the substrate, plantation and final consumer.



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