
  • Mohan Kunkulagunta Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, B.E.S.T University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India. Author


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML)


Companies are not fully using Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML), which is the most well-known form of AI. This is especially true in marketing, where it can be used for more than just segmenting, personalizing, and making decisions. Two distinct strategic and behavioral vantage points are considered when discussing the role of AI and ML in marketing: that of marketers themselves (the ``inside`` perspective) and that of consumers (the ``outside`` perspective). Both the drivers and the barriers to the broad adoption of AI and ML in marketing can be better understood in light of this. We use a mixed-method approach that includes a Delphi study, surveys, and two focus groups to come up with research questions. These questions address the problems that marketing managers and organizations face in three areas: (1) Culture, Strategy, and Implementation; (2) Decision-Making and Ethics; and (3) Customer Management. Our goal in publishing these findings is to spark new lines of inquiry in several disciplines, including marketing, organizational behavior, psychology, and ethics. We can learn more about the human element of AI and ML from them as well.


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Sri Charan Yarlagadda, The Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Creating a Roadmap Towards a Circular Economy for Plastics, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Vol:11, Issue 9s, Pages: 829-836, 2023.

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