Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Privacy, Data Security, Anomaly Detection, Automation, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Predictive Analytics, Ethical ConsiderationsAbstract
This paper explores the transformative impact of Artificial intelligence on data privacy and security. It first begins by introducing the basic concepts and the significance of data privacy and security, followed by a discussion about traditional methodologies and their associated shortcomings. Moving forward, the center point of this discourse revolves around how AI with its automation and anomaly identification capabilities is transforming this field. Using definitions, case studies, and in-depth analysis, the paper describes the different aspects of predictive analytics, natural language processing, machine learning, as prevalent facets of AI applications on strengthening protection mechanisms for data. Subsequently, the paper presents practical examples of real-world applications in banking and health care to give an insight on how AI can be integrated into the security system, along with lessons learnt from such incorporation. A brief examination of the ethical concerns, where despite the immense benefits that may be derived from AI there is a significant concern on potential biases, surveillance energy as an issue secondly and finally data handling issues is performed to have a comprehensive understanding of AI. The conclusion restates the main points discussed, underlining the significance of AI in progressing data privacy and security and encourages further research and development. The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive overview of the main aspects surrounding AI, highlighting the current state and potential of this technology in terms of safeguards against emerging threats, ethical application, and concrete solutions that may be developed to secure the digital future.
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