VR, Healthcare, Telemedicine, Pain Management, Modern Medicine, VR Surgery, TelehealthAbstract
In the field of healthcare, virtual reality (VR) technology has made a significant impact, revolutionising therapeutic treatments, patient care, and medical education. This essay offers a thorough examination of VR's uses, advantages, difficulties, and potential in the field of healthcare. The study chronicles the development of VR technology in healthcare, offering light on key turning points that have affected its trajectory. It starts by looking at the historical environment. The several uses of VR in medicine are thoroughly examined, including telemedicine, patient education, pain management, physical rehabilitation, and mental health care. Each application is thoroughly explored to provide insights into the revolutionary effects of VR on healthcare delivery. The article explores the several advantages of VR in healthcare, demonstrating how it improves medical education by replicating surgical procedures, lowers pain and anxiety in patients receiving treatment, and helps with physical and mental rehabilitation. Immersive educational experiences improve patient engagement, while VR-enhanced remote consultations give telemedicine a whole new meaning. Successful VR deployments in healthcare settings are demonstrated through real-world case studies and examples, underlining the effect that VR has on patient experiences, satisfaction, and therapeutic outcomes. VR technological developments like haptic feedback and eye-tracking are investigated, giving a preview of potential healthcare uses in the future.
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Rakesh Margam, Unlocking the Potential: Cloud Computing’s Impact on Healthcare, International Journal of Cloud Computing (IJCC), 2(1), 2024, pp. 1-7
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