
  • Harish Narne Application Engineer, UiPath Inc, USA. Author


Cloud Security, Privacy, Cyberattacks


Cloud computing is becoming more popular for processing and storing data, but many people are still worried about the safety of their personal information due to the frequent occurrence of harmful attacks on mobile and wireless communication networks. In an effort to find a solution, researchers have created an IAS protocol that combines secure authentication with identity and access management. Based on blockchain technology, the proposed IAS protocol guarantees the authenticity and security of data shared in the cloud. This paves the way for decentralised management of key recovery/revocation and identity verification. Our cloud-based simulation utilises BC-IAS, which stands for Block Chain based Identity Management, Access Control, and Secure Sharing, to test the suggested approach. Energy consumption, end-to-end latency, data access rate, and message delivery ratio are among the most crucial performance characteristics that are evaluated in the simulation. Cloud security and privacy could be significantly improved by a blockchain-based technology known as BC-IAS. One approach to enhancing the privacy and security of cloud computing is the planned BC-IAS protocol, which is built on blockchain technology. Thanks to smart contracts, access control limitations may be automatically enforced, and the decentralised nature of blockchain technology makes data storage transparent and tamper-proof. Also, important data can be shielded from prying eyes by using secure authentication and identity verification, which reduces the possibility of data breaches and cyberattacks.


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