
  • Dwith Chenna Senior Embedded DSP Engineer, Computer Vision, MagicLeap Inc, United States Author


Edge AI, Deep Learning, Neural Network, Quantization


In recent developments, the significance of Edge AI has come to the forefront. Edge devices, which encompass a wide array of IoT devices and embedded systems, benefit from the deployment of efficient and compact neural network models. Edge AI faces a significant hurdle due to their resource-constrained nature in terms of computation and memory. Deploying these models on resource-constrained devices like edge devices becomes challenging. To address this issue, quantization has emerged as an efficient strategy to reduce the computational and memory requirements, enabling their deployment on edge devices. Yet, a pivotal concern lies in preserving the performance of quantized models at levels comparable to their original floating-point counterparts. In this paper, we review the details of quantization, including its foundational assumptions, techniques and tradeoffs that influence the quantization accuracy to achieve optimal results while embracing quantization's benefits.




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