
  • XIAOSHUO DENG College of Fine Art, Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan Author


Public Art, Metaverse, Field Architecture, Hierarchical Analysis, Index System, Case Study


Public art as a participatory art has become an important way of cultural shaping and urban marketing in cities, and the public is gradually becoming participants and shapers in urban public art practice, but the current public art field still faces problems such as temporary nature, high costs of exhibition venues or spaces, information blockage, slow circulation, and lack of consensus cognition of art values. With the booming development of emerging technologies such as big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence in recent years, the innovation of technology has also invariably catalyzed a change in the public's identity in the face of the constantly renewed concept of metaverse and the imminent shift of art demand and artistic expression to the digital expression of the future. As a new term, the definition and connotation of metaverse have not yet been officially unified and agreed upon. After a comprehensive analysis of the interviews, we believe that metaverse is a virtual space that can be interacted with by multiple people, parallel or intersected with the real world by using mixed reality technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, AR and VR, in order to maximize users' creative ability and personalized expression. In this study, we propose for the first time the construction of a digital public art field architecture in the context of metaverse, which is built from three levels: technical application layer, technical support layer, and application practice layer, based on which we design an innovative art index system based on the relevant modules of the data layer, and participate in the future art construction. Taking digital public art as the research object, we discuss the influencing factors of public art through the method of expert evaluation, and try to realize the authenticity of virtual space through the construction of digital technology, further enhance the quality of public art, artistic productivity and strengthen the accuracy of artistic language, provide the new evaluation standard and practice path for digital public art, link the technical means with public demand, in order to It also provides a new evaluation standard and practice path for digital public art, linking technological means to public needs in order to enhance social participation, emotional links, and social cohesion between the public and their communities. At the academic research level, we focus on this aspect of new technological change in the art discipline, providing an independent and objective value system for public art research, as well as novel and optimized solutions.




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