Steady State Thermal Analysis, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Heat Sink, Fluid Flow, Rectangular Pin Fin, Optimization, Size And Cost, Thermal Conductivity, Temperature Distribution, Heat CapacityAbstract
The Research area of engineering of the electronic system cooling is having wide application nowadays. Therefore, in the present work, Aluminum is chosen as the material for the heat sink. In the present work effect of various shapes of cross sections of fins on the mother board is studied keeping the inlet air velocity, temperature of the ambient and the heat generation constant. The optimized shape of cross section is done to analyzing the effects of velocity and inlet air temperature, keeping the other parameters constant. The results are compared and optimum operational condition of that sink is found out. The optimized shape is proceeded to find a suitable sectional area which gives a minimum temperature.
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Nirajkumar Mehta, Akash D Raiyani, Vikash R Gondaliya, “Thermal Fatigue Analysis of Induction Melting Furnace for Silica Ramming Mass”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISSN No. 2250-2459, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp 357- 362, February 2013.
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Vipul Gondaliya, Mehul Pujara, Nirajkumar Mehta, "Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of Induction Furnace by Using Finite Element Analysis", International Journal of Applied Research, ISSN No. 2249-555X, Volume 3, Issue 8, pp 231-234, August 2013.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Vasim G Machhar, Ravi K Popat, "Thermal Fatigue Analysis of Induction Furnace Wall for Alumina Ramming Mass", International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, ISSN No. 2319-7560, Volume 2, Issue 10, pp 186-190, October 2013.
Akash D. Raiyani, N. R. Sheth, Nirajkumar Mehta, "Thermal Analysis of Hot Wall Condenser for Domestic Refrigerator", International Journal of Science and Research, ISSN No. 2319-7064, Volume 3, Issue 7, pp 622-626, July 2014.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dipesh D Shukla, Ravi K Popat, "Optimization of Wall Thickness for Minimum Heat Loss for Induction Furnace by FEA", Indian Foundry Journal, ISSN No. 0379-5446, Volume 60, Issue 12, pp 19-25, December 2014.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, Pragnesh D Kandoliya, “Comparison of Finite Difference Method and Finite Element Method for 2 D Transient Heat Transfer Problem”, National Conference on Recent Research and Development in Core Disciplines of Engineering, Vadodara, Volume: 2, April 2015.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, Vishvash B Rajyaguru, “Numerical Analysis of Furnace: Review”, National Conference on Recent Research and Development in Core Disciplines of Engineering, Vadodara, Volume: 2, April 2015.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, Vishvash B Rajyaguru, “Thermal Fatigue Analysis of Induction Furnace Wall for Zirconia”, National Conference on Recent Research and Development in Core Disciplines of Engineering, Vadodara, Volume: 2, April 2015.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, “Thermal Fatigue Analysis of Induction Furnace Wall for Magnesia Ramming Mass”, ASME 2015 Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, At Seattle, Washington, United States of America, June 2015.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, Pragnesh D Kundalia, “Advanced Mathematical Modeling of Heat Transfer in Induction Furnace Wall of Zirconia”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, ISSN No. 2278-0181, Volume 5, Issue 12, pp 176-181, December 2016.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, Pragnesh D Kundalia, “Advanced Heat Transfer Analysis of Alumina Based Refractory Wall of Induction Furnace”, National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Engineering", ISBN No. 978-93-84659-91-2, At Tolani Polytechnic, Adipur, Volume: 1, December 2016.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, “Prediction of Life Cycle of Induction Furnace Wall for Silica Ramming Mass”, International Journal of Thermal Technologies, ISSN No. 2277-4114, Volume 6 Issue 4, pp 364-372, December 2016.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, “Finite Difference Analysis of Induction Furnace Wall for Magnesia Ramming Mass”, SSRG International Journal of Thermal Engineering, ISSN No. 2395-0250, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp 1-7, January 2017.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, “Computational Investigation of Furnace Wall for Silica Ramming Mass with FDM”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, ISSN No. 2456-1908, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp 133-139, February 2017.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, “Stress Life Analysis of Induction Furnace Wall for Magnesia Ramming Mass”, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, eISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp 60-70, February 2017.
Kaushik Parmar, Osama Gora, Kashyap Desai, Nirajkumar Mehta, “A Practical Attempt to Improve Performance of Heat Exchanger”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, ISSN 2395-4396, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2017.
Achyut Chauhan, Heval Saxena, Nirajkumar Mehta, A Review on FEA of Connecting Rod of I.C. Engine, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN(Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2347-6710, Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2017.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, “Mathematical Modelling for Life Cycle Forecasting of Zirconia Based Furnace Wall”, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, ISSN 2395-4396, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2017.
Nirajkumar Mehta, Dr. Dipesh D Shukla, Comparison of Life Cycle for Various Refractory Materials of Induction Melting Furnace Wall under Thermal Fatigue Loading Conditions”, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, eISSN (O): 2348-4470, p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406, Volume 5, Issue 01, January -2018.
Patil Kaushal, Makwana Arjunsinh, Arab Mohammadazhar, Nirajkumar Mehta, “Mathematically Advanced Computational Heat Transfer Analysis of Cylindrical and Spherical Induction Furnaces: Review”, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470, p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406, Volume 5, Issue 02, February -2018.
Rahul Waghela, Shreyas Parmar, Susmit Vasava, Dr. Nirajkumar Mehta, “Review of Refractory Materials for Innovative Investigation and Testing”, International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, e-ISSN (O): 2348-4470, p-ISSN (P): 2348-6406, Volume 5, Issue 03, March -2018.
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